Come close OMO Writers readers...I have a secret to tell you. ::eyes shifting:: I have a deep unrequited love for Hello Kitty.
I know what you're thinking, "Everyone loves a little HK", but mine is obsessive. Most of my socks and undies, not to mention all of my kitchen appliances bear her cute little face. I scour eBay and Sanrio constantly for new products, so you can imagine my excitement when these babies popped up in my inbox--Be still my beating heart!
Both celebrating 50th anniversaries, the good people at Dr. Marten and Sanrio have come together to create a limited edition line of classic DM boots and mary janes. I'm having a Blossom phase right now (y'know, the floral dress/combat boots/hat look) and these will be perfect! Keep your eyes and ears open for when they drop later this summer.

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