NYC is home for Fashion's Night Out for the entire country! How amazing!

But let's keep it real.

I only got excited about the fashion/economic stimulus party just today. And even with this new found excitement am I executing a hot oil treatment on my hair rather than planning a much needed itinerary to navigate through the hundreds of participating stores tonight.

In any case, with diva shoe in tow (definitely not on my feet!) and friends by my side, I'll keep you posted on the goings ons, for Fashion's First Night Out! Check my twitter for updates!

ACTUALLY! Leave messages telling me where you would go! [check out the participating store link] I'll try to make it there and tweet about the experience! THANKS!! 


Jules said... @ September 11, 2009 at 1:30 AM

Thanks for sharing. =D

A Writers Den
Brown Mestizo

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