I almost forgot! Tonight, 7:30pm at Wingate Field (2 Train to Winthrop Street): Evening with John Legend w/ Estelle. Gotta get ready!
[Monday, July 21, 2008
I almost forgot! Tonight, 7:30pm at Wingate Field (2 Train to Winthrop Street): Evening with John Legend w/ Estelle. Gotta get ready!
ill forgive that u r so late with this.
grrrrrrr..girl these concert posts are killin me! lol i love both of them :( well, im going to the rock the bells concert this weekend so i guess that makes up for it. lol
ha! I know, forgive me, Shaun.
T, it was kinda lame. Estelle was really good. John Legend, eh...he did a nice thing by not charging a fee t the concert officials or whoever, and putting that money toward sending public housing kids to camp next year. But he played all this new shit that no one knows the words too. He has too many hits for that! BK apparently wasn't having that and walked out in herds! It was getting late--i left too...he didn't even play the Radio song or ordinary ppl!
ugh... didnt know the BK show was going to have Estelle as well.
Lucky for me I saw her last month at a private show in the Puma store... she is amazing...
and I am lovin John Legend's new record Green light... I should have went... but I was too lazy to go all the way to BK after work
Again, New York is out of my perimeter! When I'm in town, I'm doing it all, including watching Cats and eating Sbarro's. Hahaholla!
to eb: I hear you on not wanting to trek all the way out there! Estelle was amazing
to SC: so funny! reducing NY to cats and pizza, lol let me know when you're in town!
that concert was amazing :)
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